Our Vision

The vision of the Democratic Women of the Southland Region (DWSR) is to operate as a supportive and collaborative entity, that serves as a point of reference on a variety of interests impacting voters.

Our Mission

The Democratic Women of the Southland Region (DWSR) is a charter organization recognized by the Illinois Democratic Women. DWSR was established to create a forum to empower Democratic Women to work together to promote the ideals of the Democratic Party and to foster the participation of women (and men) in all levels of the Democratic Party including but not limited to; disseminating information about current issues that affect the daily lives of voters and prospective voters within the context of local, state, and federal government. Membership is open to all who share these goals.


Membership in DWSR shall be open to any person who supports the principles and purpose of the organization. Membership shall be dependent upon payment of dues, active participation in the organization’s efforts, and assessed by DWSR Board of Directors. Membership will be announced at the Annual Meeting. Regular meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month, with the exception of the months of July, November, and December. Alternate dates will be communicated. To join the Democratic Women of the Southland Region, please visit us at www.ildwsr.org To request a membership form by mail, please email us at info@ildwsr.org. 
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